Monday, March 29, 2010

Friend Makin Mondays

Over at


Today is all about Spring Trends

This will be quick today (have to take my mini me to gymnastics)

My fav spring trends are:

1. Having a nice tan
2. Flip Flops and painted toes. (NEVER wear flip flops w/o toes painted...)
3. Flowing dresses
4. or shorts, t, and a baseball hat. (for those relaxing days outside)
5. Reading a book in the hammock with a glass of sweet tea
6. The LONG daylight hours!

Well there is just a quick list. I am sure I will be thinking of others all day now.

Thanks for stopping by! Talk to ya'll soon!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

YAH!!!! Spring is here finally! Well, here in the south it can be 40 degrees one day and then the next be 70. Only in the south... But ya gotta love it. Hopefully it will stay this nice now cause little league baseball has started and I have 2 boys who play on different teams..... UGH.... Glad my daughter only does gymnastics and it is currently only in the morning.
Well, the air is warm and the POLLEN is here. That is the one thing I HATE about spring. Those allergy shots I took for years did not help a wink with the tree pollen.
Well, going outside now to play with the kiddos and then off to baseball practice!

Talk with ya'll later!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friend Making Monday

I just found this from a blog and thought I would give it a try. Fairly new to blogging and am addicted to seeing everyone elses....
Here is where I found it: {aefilkins} or amberfilkins.blogspot

Here goes nothing!


I AM... a stay at home mom
I THINK... this has been a long day
I SHOULD... start getting ready for tomorrow
I DREAM... of a good night's sleep
I WANT... my youngest boy to feel better soon (he has strep throat)
I KNOW... That God loves me and is ever forgiving
I DON'T LIKE... when my kids are sick
I SMELL... freshly bathed children
I HEAR... rerun of Real Housewives of New York
I FEAR... thunderstorms
I USUALLY... have tons to do
I SEARCH... for my keys all the time
I MISS... my grandfather who passed away in 2008 (he lived a long fulfilling life)
I ALWAYS... worry to much
I WONDER... what my kids will grow up to be
I REMEMBER... I have to go to the bank, post office, and errands tomorrow
I NEED... extra hours in the day
I FORGET... almost everything (thanks adhd and post it notes)
I FEEL... tired
I CAN... do a lot of things
I CAN'T... do a lot of things
I AM HAPPY... with my life
I LOSE... my mind...
I SING... only when by myself in the car. I can't carry a note..
I LISTEN... well lets just say I try to listen more than I talk...
I SHOP... by window
I EAT... on a diet (does that answer that one???)
I LOVE... My GOD, hubby, and children!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Journey

I am going to try my hardest to start blogging again. This time I actually have something that I am passionate about to blog about. As of February 9th, I started my weight lose journey! Started several times before but this time I have taken huge steps to make sure that is stays! I joined Curves on that day and have now been 1 month. I have lost 4 inches in a month!!! YAH!!!! That is huge. I have lost weight before but it never stayed away. I guess I left a return address everytime..... Well this time (because i am paying monthly also) I have not only changed my eatting but am working out at Curves. I have never worked out before so this has all been new to me. I never had a weight issue until after I had been married for about a year.

Well, weight, be afraid be very afraid!!!!!! I am going to be your worst nightmare!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Not really understanding how a newly elected president can get the Noble Peace Prize. He had only been elected 11 days before they voted for who would get the award. Just really don't understand......

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oh My!!!! Where Has The Time Gone

On My!! Where has the time gone. This summer has flown by. I started my own business selling Thirty-One gifts and have been so busy with that and keeping the kids entertained this summer. It is all about to wear me out.... Well hopefully this time, I can keep up better with my blogging.
As the old saying goes, If you fall off the horse you have to dust yourself off and get back on!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday Wonder

On our trip home from Florida, dear hubby used his GPS to navigate us to Disney and then back home. I sat there and listen to this lady tell us where to turn. If we got off on the wrong exit she would tell us where to turn around and get back on the right road. As I was listening, I thought God wants to be my GPS. I think of it as God's Positional System. He works the same way. When we get off track, he tries to tell us to get back on track. Instead of yelling at us in that monotone voice like the lady in the GPS, he tells us through his word "the BIBLE".
Just thought I would share what was on my little mind this morning before it got filled with needless things floating through like seperating clothes for laundry and cleaning the bathroom.
Thanks for stopping by.
See ya'll later.